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WILPF IKFF internationellt
Peace Women Peace Women – IKFF:s internationella genusprojekt
Reaching Critical Will Reaching Critical Will – IKFF:s internationella nedrustningsprojekt

Vässa dina argument mot NATO

Nej till Nato – argumentationsguide | IKFF



On this International Women’s Day we celebrate all the women and feminists around the world campaigning to demand peace, freedom and equality.
IKFF Gustav Adolfs torg 8 mars 2022

Förbanna våldet!

The most sensible thing we can do at this juncture is to build international solidarities – to come together and channel all our individual voices into one collective, loud and decisive voice that calls for an end to militarisation and war-mongering.
 We are calling out to all of you, inviting you to join us, so together we can send out a common message that says “No more wars. Not in now, not ever again !”

WILPF 24 februari 2022

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